about her

oh just a weird kid
First name: Aurelija
Birth date: 10-31-1995 (HALLOWEEN!)Country: Lithuania
Nickname: Mirta, Ms. Scissor or whatever, I guess I don't even have one anymore.
Eyes: Greyish blue
Hair: Long, dark brown
Music: Indie/alternative/prog/hard/stoner rock. Prog metal. Electronica. Trip hop. I like interesting music.Movies: "V for Vendetta", "Children of Men", "Donnie Darko", "The Truman Show", "An American Crime", "This Is England", "American History X", "The Matrix", "A Beautiful Mind", "Psycho".
Books: "1984", "Children 44", "Evil".
Colour: Green
Other stuff: Uh, I'm an ISFP, according to a few of those personality tests on the internet.